Streamflow continuous monitoring
We use low-cost water level and water pressure sensors to continously monitor streamflow.
Hydraulic modelling
We run hydraulic models in 1D, 2D and 3D to simulate river flow dynamics under various scenarios.
Hydraulic-based sediment transport calculations
We use up-to-date scientific approaches to estimate sediment transport based on flow hydraulics, including in steep and rough mountain streams and torrents.
- Hydraulic-based estimates of transported sediment volumes.
- Flood risk modelling.
- Hydraulic-based habitat modelling.
Selected scientific references
- Antoniazza, G., Nicollier, T., Boss, S., Mettra, F., Badoux, A., Schaefli, B., Rickenmann, D. & Lane, S. N. (2022). Hydrological drivers of bedload transport in an Alpine watershed. Water resources research, 58(3), e2021WR030663. (2022).
- Lane, S. N., Gentile, A., & Goldenschue, L. (2020). Combining UAV-based SfM-MVS photogrammetry with conventional monitoring to set environmental flows: modifying dam flushing flows to improve alpine stream habitat. Remote Sensing, 12(23), 3868.
- Nitsche, M., Rickenmann, D., Turowski, J.M., Badoux, A., Kirchner, J.W. (2012): Verbesserung von Geschiebevorhersagen in Wildbächen und Gebirgsflüssen durch Berücksichtigung von Makrorauigkeit. Wasser, Energie, Luft, 104 (2): 129-139.
- Schneider, J. M., Rickenmann, D., Turowski, J. M., Bunte, K., & Kirchner, J. W. (2015). Applicability of bed load transport models for mixed‐size sediments in steep streams considering macro‐roughness. Water Resources Research, 51(7), 5260-5283.
- Rickenmann, D., & Recking, A. (2011). Evaluation of flow resistance in gravel‐bed rivers through a large field data set. Water Resources Research, 47(7).
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